Keys of Hope - digital / activation

We leveraged an incredible insight - when fleeing Syria, refugees take their house keys. The intimate stories of hope for someday returning home brought a little humanity back to the debate.

We leveraged an incredible insight - when fleeing Syria, refugees take their house keys. The intimate stories of hope for someday returning home brought a little humanity back to the debate.

We leveraged an incredible insight - when fleeing Syria, refugees take their house keys. The intimate stories of hope for someday returning home brought a little humanity back to the debate.

We leveraged an incredible insight - when fleeing Syria, refugees take their house keys. The intimate stories of hope for someday returning home brought a little humanity back to the debate.

We leveraged an incredible insight - when fleeing Syria, refugees take their house keys. The intimate stories of hope for someday returning home brought a little humanity back to the debate.

case film

My primary role on the Keys of Hope campaign was to help write the video case study and to personally write the 16 case study entries for Cannes that resulted in one beautiful gold Lion in Public Relations.

Selected Works

Young Lions 2020 GoldWorld Hunger Programme


Keys of HopeKeys of Hope





Humane SocietyHumane Society

Responsible DrinkingClemson University

whole name white outline